
IoT radar sensor for waste management - revolution in smart waste

Written by Sentinum EN | Feb 21, 2025 3:00:00 PM

Intelligent waste management - now even smarter with the Apollon-Q SW - optimized for waste disposal logistics!

With our innovative IoT radar sensor Apollon-Q SW, we are bringing waste management into the digital future! Cities, companies and facility managers benefit from optimized waste disposal processes and more efficient use of resources. The radar sensor is optimized for use in waste disposal logistics and is equipped with special software that allows it to deliver accurate and reliable measurements even with weak reflectors. The Apollon-Q sensor was specially developed for underfloor containers and is primarily suitable for use in large bins, as well as glass and used clothing containers. For smaller waste bins, the sensor features an optical measuring principle.

Order directly and test with the Cellular Plug&Work sensor.

How it works

Our state-of-the-art radar sensor measures the fill level of waste containers in real time - regardless of material, weather conditions or external influences. Thanks to the latest IoT technology, the recorded data is immediately transmitted to a central platform. This allows collections to be planned in a targeted manner and unnecessary trips to be avoided. The sensors are available in our store with cellular NB-IoT, LTE-CAT-M1, GNSS as well as LoRaWAN® and mioty®.

Your benefits at a glance

Cost savings - fewer empty runs reduce operating costs and optimize logistics.
Environmentally friendly - reduced emissions thanks to intelligent route planning.
Reliable & robust - Works even under extreme conditions.
Easy integration - Compatible with existing smart city systems.

Why the radar sensor is a revolution in waste management

Radar sensors offer a more reliable and robust solution for smart waste management, especially in harsh environments with dirt, moisture or extreme temperatures. They enable more precise level measurement, reduce maintenance and significantly improve the efficiency of waste disposal.

Radar sensors have several advantages over comparable technologies, such as ultrasonic sensors:

Insensitivity to dirt and debris

  • Radar sensors use electromagnetic waves that can easily pass through dust, moisture or dirt.
  • Other measuring principles, on the other hand, can be disturbed or even blocked by deposits, dust or water droplets in the air.

Precise measurement regardless of material and shape

  • Radar measures reliably, regardless of whether the waste container is filled with solid, liquid or mixed waste.
  • Sensors with other measuring principles can deliver inaccurate readings from soft materials (e.g. fabric remnants) or irregularly shaped waste.

Better performance in extreme weather conditions

  • Radar works reliably in rain, snow, heat and cold, as electromagnetic waves are hardly affected by temperature differences or humidity.
  • Other sensors can become inaccurate at low temperatures due to condensing moisture or at high temperatures due to changes in the speed of sound.

The new Apollon-Q series is equipped with a range of new features

✅Available with mioty, LoRaWAN, NB-IoT and LTE-CAT-M1, GNSS and WIFI SSID scan positioning
✅Combination available on ToF and RADAR sensor
✅Provisioning for BLE or NFC
✅Localization via APP possible

Areas of application

The Apollon-Q sensor was specially developed for underground containers and is primarily suitable for use in large containers as well as glass and used clothing containers.

Dual measuring principle for redundant results

In addition to the radar measuring principle, the Apollon-Q sensor can optionally be equipped with an optical measuring principle. Here, an AI algorithm helps to deliver valid measurement results even in the case of heavy soiling by intelligently evaluating image data and compensating for disturbances such as deposits, shadows or irregular surfaces. With the multi-target measurement of up to 256 pixels, even complex fill level situations can be detected. The sensor precisely detects different layers of material, irregular surfaces and different types of waste. As a result, detailed 3D profiles of the container contents can be created, enabling even more accurate and reliable fill level measurement.

As the following images show, the optical measuring principle also works in the case of heavy soiling.

Example results from an underground container for the radar and ToF sensor

Order directly and test with the Cellular Plug&Work sensor.